based on Tales by Omar Sangare The Theatre Festival Zdarzenia, Stalowa Wola Mikstura Fringe Festival, Bialystok The National Fringe Festival Odeon, Andrychow
The Theatre Festival Zdarzenia ➔ Reservation: +48 15 842 09 61 ➔ Reservation: +48 85 749 91 96 ➔ Reservation: +48 33 875 26 28 Tales for Chosen Ones, a theatre performance based on short stories by Omar Sangare, is on tour. The show is directed by Krzysztof Czubak and performed by The Exit Theatre Company, awarded at the Tadeusz Kantor Festival in Wielopole, Poland. Starting with the Theatre Festival in Stalowa Wola, Tales for Chosen Ones will be presented in three cities in Poland. The tour celebrates this year’s World Theatre Day. CAST: |